Women Empowerment

Our organization is involved in numerous projects

Helping women become self-sustained with proper jobs and skills.

Women Empowerment is a core value of Himwant Foundation and our awareness programs, training, and skill development programs help reach this goal.

Getting a good education is everyone’s right. We help women with less access to resources to get an education that will help them become a productive member of society and live a fulfilling life.
Health care
There are still many areas where healthcare for women is lacking. Women too don’t have the resources and the awareness to improve their health. We consistently take actions towards enhancing healthcare services to women.
Women can be empowered only if there is enough awareness towards empowerment. We aim to make women aware of their capability and how they too can lead meaningful lives with good jobs, healthcare, and social status.
We help women, especially divorced women and women with less resources to find jobs that help them lead a good life. We also provide skilled jobs to women that contribute towards environmental healing. Women at Himwant Foundation are skillful and proud of what they do.
Avoid polyster fabric
Generally deities poshaak and chunri made by synthetic (polyster) fabric which is used as single time (it is so rough that it can't be reused for humans) after use since it is holy wastage so these immerse in rivers which increase water pollution which is causing damage to our aquatic river system. So We are promoting cotton fabric to make deities clothes and mata rani chunri.
Cotton fabric poshaak
We use only cotton to make poshaak and mata rani chunri that it can be reused as dresses for needy people.
Poshaak and mata rani chunri Recycling as dress
needy childrens wearing recycled dresses
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